Privacy and Cookie Policy

Welcome to J-POP streaming. We are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy and Cookie Policy explains our practices regarding data collection and use of cookies on our website.

1. Information Collection

We do not collect or store any personal data from our users. Our website operates without user authentication processes, ensuring that no personal login information is gathered or stored.

2. Use of Information

As we do not collect any personal data, there is no use or processing of such information.

3. Sharing of Information

Since no personal data is collected, there is no sharing of such information with any third parties.

4. Cookie Policy

Our website uses only essential cookies required for its technical operation:

  • What are cookies? Cookies are small data files stored on your device.

  • Why do we use cookies? We use cookies solely for essential technical functionality, such as ensuring that the website loads and operates correctly.

  • Types of Cookies We Use: We use only strictly necessary cookies. These cookies are essential for the website's basic functionality and are automatically enabled when you use our site.

  • Managing Cookies: You can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, but this might affect the website's functionality.

5. Data Security

We implement reasonable measures to protect our website and ensure secure operation. However, no website can guarantee absolute security.

6. Changes to This Policy

This policy may be updated from time to time. We recommend that you review this page periodically for any changes.

7. Contact Us

For questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us.